

Renewal of the entire IT landscape

4PLUS values quality and reliable delivery of building materials to Dutch family businesses. 4PLUS is a fast-growing company with 55 affiliated partners and an assortment of over 700,000 items. In order to meet the demands of this constantly changing market in the future, 4PLUS decided to renew the entire IT landscape simultaneously. A modern Warehouse Management System to control the wide variety of logistical processes within the warehouse could not be left behind. "Vanboxtel also contributed to a seamless integration with our new ERP system," according to Richard Voorter, Manager of IT at 4PLUS.

"For 4PLUS, the biggest challenge was renewing the entire IT landscape over one weekend, with the WMS being an important part. Vanboxtel proved to be a reliable partner in this process, adhering to the schedule as planned."

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Management and planning

As part of the WMS implementation, an entirely new location structure was set up as advised by Vanboxtel. This makes the stock allocation in the warehouse more logical and easier to locate for the warehouse employees. The new structure also makes it possible for 4PLUS to easily make its own adjustments to the locations and zoning.

Every day, several trucks depart for various businesses throughout the Netherlands. Vanboxtel’s WMS supports 4PLUS in creating the most efficient trip planning. This can be quite a puzzle due to the diversity of products, dimensions, and weights of building materials.

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